Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ideal Body Fat Percentage / How to Lower Body Fat Percentage

Ideal Body Fat Percentage

If you're male, look at the average percentages for MEN: Ages 18-30= 9%-18%; ages 30-50= 14%-22%; ages 50+= 20%-24%. Anywhere in the range is considered good and healthy. Ideally, you want to stay below the high number, but lower is not necessarily better.

If you're female, look at the average percentages for WOMEN: Ages 18-30= 16%-22%; ages 30-50=19%-28%; ages 50+=25%-30%. Anywhere in the range is considered good and healthy. Ideally, you want to stay below the high number, but lower is not necessarily better.

How to Lower Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage is a measurement of the amount of body fat versus lean tissue. Unlike body mass index, body fat percentage is a more accurate measure of overall health because it takes into account total body composition, not just height and weight ratios. Normal ranges vary by age and gender but, on average, the normal range for females is 14 to 30 percent. For males, the average normal range is 9 to 19 percent. For those with unhealthy body fat ranges, there are several proven methods for lowering body fat percentage.

Cut calories. If we eat more than we need, our bodies store the excess calories as fat. If we reduce our caloric intake we achieve two things: We reduce the chance of storing excess calories as fat. We also force our bodies to use our existing fat stores as fuel. The safest way to cut calories is to follow the FDA's Food Guide Pyramid. Unlike a diet, the pyramid does not restrict food but gives clear guidelines on portion size, caloric intake and the appropriate food ratios for a healthy diet. The Food and Drug Administration website also has useful tools for planning menus and finding the food calorie values.

Step 2
Get moving. The body burns the most calories at work, and calorie burning leads to fat burning. Aerobic exercise burns the most calories in one session because the body moves continuously, using a lot of oxygen to generate energy. If aerobic classes or running aren't your style, understand that any activity counts--as long as it is continuous and gets your heart rate up.
Walking is one of the easiest and most convenient aerobic activities because there is no special equipment to buy and it can be done almost anywhere, by anyone. But, really, the sky is the limit when it comes to aerobic exercise.

Step 3
Add resistance. Muscle is active, calorie burning tissue. The more you muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even at rest. Resistance (weight) training increases muscle mass and increases fat burning potential. Even if you don't have access to free weights, machines or a gym, you can use your own body as resistance. Similar to walking, body weight exercises can be done almost anywhere and require almost no special equipment

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