Monday, June 6, 2011

OMG, Karylle! - Music Video

Manila, Philippines
Why do copycats succeed? Because they're not afraid to absorb "tried-and-tested" ideas and incorporate it with their own art.

There's this itchy fuss goin around sayin' OMG sounds like Ke$ha and that the video is a little bit trying hard.
Curious, I watched it - and guess what, I liked it.
If there's one word to describe K, it would be "class." This girl has got "class."

It's undeniable that OMG screams a lot of Hollywood and KPop influcence, but atleast - she presents it well. You'll never find any awkward moment in that MTV where you'll say WTF.
Karylle believes that she can do it, she's confident enough to entice me to believe in her.

Forgive the lighting because Philips sponsored it, so the vid seems a little bright. LOLz

It could be my Pinoy Pop Summer song. OMG!

How about you, what can you say? Copycat or not?

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