Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tim Yap and Georgina Wilson Were Uninvited To Ed Westwick-Penshoppe Party Says Blogger

Photo: Georgina Wilson, Joyce A. Ramirez, Tim Yap

Manila, Philippines
And so the plot thickens...
You have first read on TMS about Tim Yap being banned at the Penshoppe party. Click Here to View Story
Well, The eventologist vs. publicist feud, could be, for real...and we have the latest addition to those "socialites" who were not invited but claims "they were invited."

Today, Fashion Pulis, a fashion blog has explained in a tell-all blind item, published JUNE 4, why Joyce and Tim have quite "a misunderstanding"

According to Joyce's camp through the blogger, while the "deal to bring Westwick in Manila" was being negotiated by Joyce, Tim Yap allegedly bragged on his Twitter account that he is the one who will be bringing "Chuck Bass" in the country.
And so, when the photos came out where Joyce is with Ed Westwick when the star arrives at NAIA, "the Eventologist had to explain to his legions of followers as to what the chuck happened?" said Mr. Lim.

That made Tim Yap become 'un-invited' to the party, but "he still showed up"

In a tweet posted June 3, Tim told TMS that he had cleared everything with Joyce and all is well. 

So, i guess that ends the rift between them two... or not because the "blind item" still came out today.

One funny part that i found a little "really?" is when Mr. Lim said that a "socialite" even tweeted that she can't come because of endorsement conflict  when in fact she ain't invited in the first place. The blog even said that "A few days prior to the exclusive event, that same girl tried to contact the Australian fashion photographer who shot the campaign but he ignored her thinking "As If!" 
For god's sake, that's too obvious. I have read Georgina's tweet - a Bench model - that day, it goes like this.

Georgina Wilson has yet to comment about the issue. LOLz

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